Initiative Fund

Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian bande dessinée
The Freak and its Discontents
Chronicling the War, Re-imagining French-ness: Memoirs of the French external Resistance, University of Manchester, June 2019
Applications should be accompanied by relevant supporting documentation such as a call for papers and, where possible, an outline programme
Applicants should provide FULL financial details of the event and not just the cost for which ASMCF funding is being sought.
It is normally assumed that organisers will charge a conference fee to offset costs. If no fee is being charged, the reasons for this should be stated on the application.
Maximum contribution that can be applied for: £500
Successful applicants will receive funding FOLLOWING the event and AFTER SUBMISSION of a report to the Honorary Secretary. Details of these grants will then be posted on the website and reported in the Newsletter.